Spring Success – Voucher Sales to Boost Revenue

Published: 06-02-2025

Valentine’s & Galentine’s

Valentine's Day is more than just gifts for couples. The "Galentine" movement embraces dining experiences like brunch, breakfast, and afternoon tea. Packaging these hospitality offerings into gift vouchers is a win-win. And for businesses with spa facilities, providing the traditional Valentine's stay with added amenities proved very popular during November and Black Friday sales.


Mother's Day

The next big seller of the year after Valentines is Mother's Day and like a lot of our annual festivals this originates in the USA where Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia held a memorial service for her own mother women’s group quickly adopted the idea and it turned into an annual celebration of Mother’s, In the USA Mother’s Day is traditionally in May, here in the UK its in March in the lead up to Easter as it has a more religious connotation as we give thanks to Mother Mary also known as The Virgin Mary. Lets not forget all Mother figures in our lives are worth celebrating so think friends, grandmothers, sisters and aunties when putting packages together!


Top Vouchers and Experiences

In recent years, the gift voucher market has exploded, offering an incredible variety of experiences beyond the traditional monetary voucher. From a Beekeeping experience to Power Boat Tours to Wicked-themed afternoon teas, gift vouchers now cater to all ages and budgets, providing a convenient and thoughtful option for the fussiest of recipients.


Extend for last-minute shoppers

Promoting vouchers up to the last minute is crucial. Data from Christmas week showed a surge in last-minute shopping, and Christmas Day proved fruitful for many clients. Utilize all your marketing channels, including email newsletters and social media, to drive interest. Make sure to include landing pages on your website. Target your existing customer data and share social posts right up to the wire.

The data reveals that Mondays in December were the best-selling days. In 2024, the Monday and Saturday prior to Mother's Day, as well as Mother's Day itself, saw high volumes of last-minute sales.


Our Big Five to Thrive!

  • Create specific festival categories, load Valentine's or Romantic categories now, and follow quickly or simultaneously with Mother’s Day.
  • Create interesting gift packages as vouchers; if you are short of time, simply tag your existing vouchers.
  • Add a specific landing page to your website with a buy-a-voucher link. It's surprising how many clicks from here you’ll get alongside the existing voucher touch points you already have.
  • Target your boomerangs! Customers who have purchased before will return to you to buy again; they just need a nudge.
  • Share on Social! # relevant words.

Gift voucher revenue grows exponentially year on year, so invest a little time to ensure your voucher shop is tipped for Spring success.

Based on 30 years of hospitality marketing experience, Gift Voucher Brilliance works effortlessly with your website, offering secure selling, instant payments, and year-round revenue. Keep cash flowing with Gift Voucher Brilliance.

Call 01803 872999 or email support@giftvoucherbrilliance.co.uk.