Father’s Day 2021: A Unique Gift Voucher Opportunity

Published: 21-05-2021

Father’s Day is a core family holiday, and an annual opportunity to boost gift voucher sales. More so given Dads are notoriously difficult to buy for! But Father’s Day 2021 is extra special. Here’s why…

After over a year of the Covid-19 pandemic, restrictions are due to lift the day after Father’s Day, on the 21st June 2021.

Families typically spend less on Father’s Day than Mother’s Day (sorry, Dads). But it’s all to play for this year, as families can celebrate on a grander scale after months of isolation. The demand for social interaction has never been higher. 

There’s more. People are craving experiences like never before. Our sales record backs this trend, the experience gift is up a staggering 90%! The timing of Father’s Day means experience gifts like spa days and cookery classes seem like realistic gift choices – which wasn’t the case last year. Despite this many buyers will still be cautious, and the flexibility of gift vouchers is an added advantage



Set Yourself Up For Success

The first step in reaping the rewards of any holiday is to be well-prepared. You need your gift voucher shop. Then stock it with holiday gifts.

To make it easier for people to buy from you, set up a gift voucher category for Father’s Day Gifts. Be sure to feature the category in your ‘bestselling’ or ‘recently added’ section so it appears prominently on your site.



Tailor Your Offering 

If you have the facilities, Spa and Golf vouchers are popular gifts for men. But you can also work with freelancers and offer interactive experiences like a local beer tasting or a sushi making class.

Finally, a classic way to Dad’s heart is through his belly. Why not start with a Gentlemen’s Afternoon Tea?

Afternoon Tea remains our bestselling voucher across all clients. Why so popular? Afternoon Teas offer an affordable price for a luxurious experience.


Set Up A Secret Deal

You can easily set up a ‘Hidden Vouchers’ section in your gift voucher shop. It won’t appear in the main menu but will have a unique URL that you can email to a targeted group of customers. Hidden Vouchers enable you to control which gift vouchers can be bought at a discounted price. If you’re selling perishable stock like hotel rooms or restaurant covers, you can create special vouchers that can only be used during certain periods.

This ensures any special offers work for and not against your business, such as by enabling you to fill shoulder months.


Use A Discount Code

Set up a discount with a code such as DAD10%. It’s a breeze to set up. You can assign the percentage or specified amount you’re reducing by, the vouchers it applies to, and an expiry date that it must be bought by.

Once you’ve created your code, make sure you promote it far and wide. Post it on social media, add it to your website and include it in your email newsletters.


Lengthen Voucher Validity

We know, you’d rather not. But you’re better off selling vouchers with long validity than missing out on a sale for two reasons.

A lengthy validity window will entice buyers to hand over their money now. You get the cash quicker, and it often becomes pure profit. We find that a significant 20-30% of vouchers sold are never redeemed.


Feed the Friday Frenzy

Statistics show that Friday is the busiest day of the week for buying. Plan your social activity with this in mind. Don’t forget to post on Friday the 18th June to remind people they still have time to bag the perfect Father’s Day gift, with instant email delivery straight into theirs or their Dad’s inbox!


Option to Opt-Out

Father’s Day isn’t a happy occasion for everyone. Brands like Marks and Spencer and Bloom and Wild have emailed subscribers ahead to confirm if they want to receive communications promoting ranges. If you’re planning a Father’s Day email newsletter, consider sending an email beforehand with a button where customers can opt out of the Father’s Day campaign.

This simple step empowers customers and might make a difficult time easier. And if they’re interested, it also alerts them to the event ahead of time.


Gift Voucher Marketing 

We found a direct correlation between marketing activity and voucher sales. 

Consistent marketing builds trust and ensures you are front of mind when your guests are gift buying. 

Client A generated over £60,000 in sales from a mix of social and email marketing in the advent period between the 1/12/2020 and the 24/12/2020.

With that said, specific marketing campaigns are great at drumming up new customers. We led a Black Friday campaign for Client B by creating a BF category with a landing page, Facebook event, social posts, and 'sale preview', 'shop now' and 'last chance to shop' emails. They sold 166 vouchers in the days leading up to Black Friday.


Sell More Gift Vouchers This Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a rare opportunity this year. The demand for experiences and family time is at a peak. Give them what they’re looking for and make more sales.

Interested in setting up a bespoke online shop or looking for wider marketing advice? Get in touch today.