6 steps to boost spring sales

Published: 27-03-2024

6 Steps to boost spring sales

We understand that it isn't always easy when running a busy hospitality business to regularly update your gift voucher shop with new vouchers, categories and photography.

But with spring in full bloom it's the perfect time to set aside a few hours to give your online shop a seasonal spruce to help boost sales over the coming months.

Spring daffodils

Tip #1 - Add Seasonal Imagery

Refresh the look and feel of your online gift voucher shop to reflect the new season with new spring banners and voucher images. Opt for sunny and bright photography and remove any cosy winter-y shots, such as fireplaces.

Easter cakes

Tip #2 - Embrace Easter

With Easter weekend fast approaching there is still time to create an Easter category, or set up limited edition Easter vouchers. This could be anything from an Easter-themed afternoon tea, to an Easter dining experience or a special Easter stay.

Hotel Bedroom

Tip #3 - Run a Spring Sale

Run a spring sale on selected vouchers to boost sales and fill availability ahead of the summer. Set up a spring category and create some stay vouchers to be redeemed in the spring months only, either at a special rate or with some extra seasonal treats included.

Wedding gifts

Tip #4 - Wedding Gifts

With the busy wedding season just around the corner, why not add a wedding gifts category to your shop and fill it with relevant existing vouchers? A voucher for a dining experience or an overnight stay is a wonderful gift for the new couple to enjoy in their first year of marriage, or on their anniversary. Highlight your wedding gift selection on your website, in your email marketing and on your social channels.

Spring Afternoon Tea

Tip #5 - Update your Afternoon Tea

Update your afternoon tea offering to include seasonal flavours, or create a spring themed tea. Take new photography and shout about it on your social channels.

Writing on a blackboard in a cafe

Tip #6 - Promote your vouchers

There's no point in putting in the work to refresh your voucher offering for spring if you don't tell your customers. Include in your email marketing campaigns, share on your social channels and add a link to your email signature. Mention gift vouchers across your website, on your menus, and on printed materials in your restaurant or bedrooms with a QR code to shop.

Take a step closer to hospitality brilliance

Based on 30 years of hospitality marketing experience, Gift Voucher Brilliance works effortlessly with your website, offering secure selling, instant payments, and year-round revenue. Keep cash flowing with Gift Voucher Brilliance.

Call 01803 872999 or email support@giftvoucherbrilliance.co.uk.